'Vicious is a British sitcom shown on ITV. The series stars Ian McKellen and Derek Jacobi as Freddie and Stuart, a gay couple who have been together for 49 years but endure a love/hate relationship. The show premiered on 29 April 2013 and garnered 5.78 million viewers, though it received a mixed response from critics.'
Vicious is simply hilarious! It’s such an entertaining, funny and enjoyable comedy program to watch, thanks to its amazing cast.
Two of the greatest actors of our generation, Sir Ian McKellen (The Lord of the Rings) and Sir Derek Jacobi (The King’s Speech), star in this deliciously wicked new comedy series from the writer of Will and Grace. Freddie Thornhill and Stuart Bixby are a bitching and back-stabbing couple, whose relationship has survived 49 years of love and loathing. But now they’re lusting after their "hot", straight new neighbour Ash (played by Iwan Rehon – The Game of Thrones), while forever sharing quips with their sharp witted and sex-starved best friend Violet (played by Frances de la Tour – Big School, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows).
Each episode opens with Stuart talking to his mother on the phone who still, after 49 years of being in a relationship, doesn’t know about her sons sexuality between he and his "flatmate". Then the hilarious bickering, arguments and unexpected visits from Ash and Violet kick off in each episode.
There are seven hilarious episodes in this first season of Vicious, including a bonus Christmas special where we see a very interesting game of ‘Truth or Dare’ take place! In special features we’ve got an insightful ‘Making of Vicious’ featurette, plus interviews with the cast and crew.
Enjoy watching these legendary actors hamming it up with hilarious put-downs and sparkling repartee in this new British comedy series.
Vicious can be purchased on DVD NOW!