"The Annoying Orange is an American comedy series created by film student and MTV production assistant Dane Boedigheimer in 2009. It stars its creator as an anthropomorphic orange who annoys other fruits, vegetables, and various other objects by using crude-humored jokes.The show is centered on Orange who resides on a kitchen counter with other objects such as his best friend Pear, a Bartlett pear. Other fruits include Passion, a female passionfruit, a grapefruit, a tiny apple known as Midget Apple (though he prefers the name Little Apple), a small marshmallow, and an elderly lemon named Grandpa Lemon."
The Annoying Orange is back and at it again in this, the second volume from the freshly squeezed Annoying Orange series. Originally an internet-based comedy series, The High Fructose Adventures of The Annoying Orange has evolved into a television series to praise from all around the globe.
Orange isn't just out of the kitchen, he's out of this world in his very own smash hit television show! Follow Orange and his pals Pear, Passion Friut, Marshmallow and their wacky human handler Nerville (YouTube star Toby Turner) as they travel through time and space in their magical fruit cart!
From the centre of the Earth to the centre of Nerville's cavernous cranium, orange and the gang squeeze their way through one astonishing adventure after another whether he's a cowboy, an adventurer or running his own corporation, orange is always, well, annoying!
All in all, this fantastic series will be loved by kids of all ages and adults alike, with some great older gags thrown in the mix.
The Annoying Orange: Welcome To My Fruitmare can be purchased on DVD NOW!