'Set in the London offices of the fictional Reynholm Industries, the show revolves around the three staff members of its IT department: a geeky genius named Maurice Moss (Ayoade), the workshy Roy Trenneman (O'Dowd), and Jen Barber (Parkinson), the department head/Relationship Manager, who knows nothing about IT. The show also focuses on the bosses of Reynholm Industries: Denholm Reynholm (Chris Morris) and his son Douglas (Berry).'
The IT Crowd have returned with their much anticipated finale special, The Internet Is Coming!
Roy, Moss and Jen are right back where we left them - in the basement of Reynholm Industries. Except now there's newer computers and Roy has finally managed to convince one of the girls on the seventh floor to go out with him more than once.
Then an incident involving spilt coffee, a homeless person and Roy and Jen looking despicable is filmed on a cameraphone and goes viral on the internet. Once Jen and Roy are identified, their reputations and that of Reynholm Industries are at risk. And of course, everything they do only makes it worse.
Meanwhile, before Douglas goes off to do "Secret Millionare", he shares with Moss his secret of confidence and Moss is transformed. A confident Moss devises a plan to help Jen and Roy recover their reputation but it all seems too good to be true.
Starring Chris O'Dowd (The Sapphired, Moone Boy), Richard Ayoade (The Mighty Boosh), Katherine Parkinson (The Boat That Rocked, The Bleak Old Shop of Stuff) and Matt Berry (The Mighty Boosh, Svengali) with a special appearance by Noel Fielding (The Mighty Boosh, Never Mind The Buzzcocks).
As funny as ever, and sure to delight fans of the series, The IT Crowd: The Internet Is Coming is a fond farewell to this cult British comedy.
The IT Crowd: The Internet Is Coming can be purchased on DVD NOW!