One of Australia’s best loved comedians Peter Helliar has really hit the spot with his 2012 live show ‘Snazzy’. Best known for his work on Rove, or as his AFL alter-ego Strauchanie, this, his first live DVD, showcases an hour of hilarity and entertainment that overall has a massive cross-section appeal.
Snazzy (or Kisses On The Bottom as it was tentatively titled) touches on everything from schoolyard bullying, gay marriage and reality television. The fast-flowing storytelling format of this show, has gags being pumped out one after the other before you can even catch your breath from the previous. Helliar’s strong connection to his audience is reflected on the faces of those in the crowd - they all seem to be totally in love with the man.
This Warehouse Comedy Festival release also contains a 40 minute documentary style reflection as Peter visits his childhood home for the last time, which shows a more emotional and personal side to the funny man.